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讲座题目: Developing Students’ Personal, Social, and Communicative Competencies to Meet Academic and Career Challenges
   湖南科技大学湘江学者海外讲座教授,美国俄克拉何马州立大学博士,美国纽约城市大学拉瓜地分院终身教授 (TENURED) ,并担任学院人文研究审核委员会主席。主要研究方向为:课程设置与教学法、双语教育、跨文化语言教学、师资培养、教学评估和管理等。在多种刊物和国际学术研讨会上发表过几十篇学术论文,主要涉及中英文阅读技巧比较、阅读障碍分析、第二语言的掌握及应用、阅读与写作在学习过程中的互补性、语言教学评估的目的与方法、教师在高效管理当中的作用和地位等。
讲座内容: The lecture will discuss the importance of developing students’ personal, social and communicative competencies in the learning process. It is essential that students acquire competencies in communication effectively and efficiently in college learning. The effective communicative strategies to be presented will enhance instruction in language education. The goal is not merely to create a rich learning environment but to empower students and optimize their learning experience. From pedagogical perspective, it emphasizes the communicative learning process that is proved to be effective in a language classroom in order to help students become competent personally, socially, and methodologically according to today’s needs.