主 讲 人: 陈明芳教授
Mingfang CHEN is currently Dean and Professor at the School of Foreign Languages of Wuhan Institute of Technology. She holds an MA degree in applied linguistics and Ph.D. degree in functional linguistics. She was a visiting scholar at the Centre of English and Applied Linguistics of Cambridge University in 2009, and at the English Department of Oxford University in 2014. Professor Chen is now Deputy President of International Association for Hallidayan Linguistics and a member of China Association of Functional Linguistics. Her main research areas include Systemic Functional Lnguistics, foreigh language teaching, and discourse analysis. Her major publications include Reporting and Perspective in Academic Discourse(2008), and 40-odd papers in international and Chinese journals. Her articles cover topics on discourse studies, metadiscourse, projection, generic structures, perspectives, evaluation, language teaching and so on.