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       跨国研究作为近年来国外人文与社会学科研究中的显学已经势不可挡地进入文学批评与文化研究领域。保罗 杰伊在《全球事物:文学研究中的跨国转向》 2010 )一书中指出,对跨国 / 民族主义( transnationalism )的青睐重塑了上世纪七十年代批评理论兴起以来西方的文学与文化研究,使得该领域长期以来以本国 / 民族为中心的范式得以显著改变,从根本上改变了其研究立场,研究重点也随之转移到诞生于“各种真实和想象边界之间那些阈限空间的诸多文化生产形式”。从发轫于上世纪九十年代末的边界研究到当前的跨国研究,从对文学文化文本的后殖民批评和离散研究到聚焦其中的跨国 / 民族主义表达,这一西方文学文化研究中的最新态势究竟缘何而起,与此前诸种批评话语渊源何在,现有研究基础对于从事外国文学、文化研究的中国学者而言有何启迪,文化全球化发展日益显著的历史语境下阵容可观的中国学人籍此平台能绽放怎样的生机和活力,能与西方学者构成怎样更为显著的对话?如果跨国主义研究诚如约翰 卡洛斯 劳尔所言,堪称反跨国资本主义霸权的实践,中西学者就这一实践展开讨论,其意义或不止于学术交流。 为此,湖南科技大学外国语学院拟于 2015 5 28 日至 31 展开专题研讨会,特邀对跨国研究及英美文学感兴趣的中外学者,围绕以下相关话题展开探讨:
一、 跨国研究的机遇与挑战
二、 英语文学与跨大西洋文学研究
三、 跨国主义与先锋文艺研究
四、 跨国主义与乌托邦文学研究
五、 文学文本中的后民族性与地球公民意识
六、 边界研究的理论与实践
七、 离散研究的理论与实践
八、 9.11 文学与戏剧研究
九、 跨国书写的个案研究
十、 中外跨国研究接受情况
十一、 跨国主义与译介学研究
十二、 跨国主义与媒介学研究
会议将邀请多名国内外知名学者做主旨发言。大会工作语言为英语和汉语。请有意与会的中外代表在 2015 年3 28 前将中英文论文摘要(英文摘要 300 字,中文摘要基本一致,须同时提交)和个人信息(工作单位,职务职称,联系方式)以邮件正文 word 文档附件形式同时发送至会务组邮箱 hnustsfs@163.com . 主办方将组织国内外专家按照提交论文摘要的要求发送会议正式邀请函。与会者的交通费和食宿费自理,会务费人民币 800 元。
联系人:凌建娥 13187322009 
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         李钥   13100329866
电子信箱: hnustsfs@163.com
地址:湖南省湘潭市桃园路 2 号湖南科技大学外国语学院
邮编: 411201
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Call for Papers
Literature and Transnational Studies: An Encounter between East and West
 Hunan University of Science and Technology
(Xiangtan, China, May 28--31, 2015)
Since the rise of critical theory in the 1970s, nothing has reshaped literary and cultural studies more than its embrace of transnationalism. It has productively complicated the nationalist paradigm long dominant in these fields, transformed the nature of the locations we study, and focused our attention on forms of cultural production that take place in the liminal spaces between the real and imagined borders.
-- Paul Jay, Global Matters: The Transnational Turn in Literary Studies (2010)
   However transnationalism is approached today in the “scholarly arena,” the recognized “transnational turn” is pressing for critical attention in not only American studies, transatlantic studies, but also literary and cultural studies in general. The “embrace of transnationalism” observed by Paul Jay has global consequences. If the territory of “the transnational turn” in literary studies is first mapped in the United States, it really does not take too long for its presence to be felt across the Atlantic or the Pacific in our Information Age. Globalization can be lived reality on our breakfast table, our computer monitor, and our topic for an academic event, whether it is a recentphenomenon or not. Organizers of the conference welcome proposals for individual papers, panels and roundtables on new trends in Anglo-American literary studies with a preferable focus on issues relevant to the critical framework of transnationalism. Possible topics may include but are not limited to the following issues:
- Challenges and opportunities of transnational studies
- English literatures and transatlantic studies
- Transnationalism and avant-gardism
- Transnationalism and utopianism
- Post-nationality and planetary citizenship
- Border studies
- Diaspora studies
- Global 9/11 literature and theatre
- Transnational writers
- Reception of transnational studies in China and beyond
- Transnationalism and Translation in Literary Studies
- Transnationalism and the Media
Submission Guidelines
Individual Paper Proposals :  Please send a 300 word abstract for a 20-minute presentation, including the title of the paper, your name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone and fax number, and email address.
Panel Proposals:   In addition to providing detailed contact information for each panel member, please send an abstract of no more than 600 words summarizing the panel and describing each paper.
Roundtable Proposal s:  In addition to providing detailed contact information for each participant, please send a title and an abstract of no more than 300 words for the proposed roundtable discussion topic.
Submission Deadline: Please email your proposals to hnustsfs@163.com and cc to        lindalje@gmail.com no later than March 28, 2015. Registration fee upon arrival will be 130 US dollars for international delegates.
Prof. ZENG Yanyu, Dean & Conference Director
Dr. LING Jian-e, Assistant Director
Department of English, School of Foreign Studies
Hunan University of Science and Technology
2 Taoyuan Road, Yuhu District, Xiangtan, Hunan, P. R. China 411201 
PHONE 86-13187322009
FAX 86-731-5829-4926
SKYPE lindalje