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美国北卡罗来纳大学威明顿分校Lee Schweninger教授来我校讲学


主讲人:Lee Schweninger





Lee Schweninger is a professor of English at the University of North Carolina Wilmington where he teaches Romantic American and Colonial American literatures. He also teaches American literatures and serves as coordinator of the Native American Studies minor. His recent book publications include Imagic Moments: North American Indigenous Film (U. Georgia Press, 2013); Listening to the Land: American Indian Literary Responses to the Landscape (U. Georgia Press, 2008); and The First We Can Remember: Colorado Pioneer Women Tell Their Stories (U. Nebraska Press, 2011).

He has also recently published essays or book chapters on American Indian literature in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Storyteller: Companion to Native Literature Series (U New Mexico); and an essay on sovereignty issues in the Routledge Companion to Native American Literature (edited by Deborah Madsen), as well as an essay in The Memory of Nature in Aborigional, Canadian and American Contexts (Ed. Francoise Besson, Cambridge Scholars Publishing); Elohi (journal, U. Bordeaux, France); Critical Insights: The American Dream (Ed. Keith Newlin, Salem Press); and Indigenous Rights in the Age of the UN Declaration (Ed. Elvira Pulitano, Cambridge U Press).