参会者请在2023年 09月30日(截止日)前将论文摘要(500字为限)连同申请表格(见附件)一并发至湖南科技大学翻译史与跨文化研究所邮箱(ithts@mail.hnust.edu.cn)。所有摘要由研究所学术顾问匿名评审,组委会将于2023年10月10日前以电子邮件方式发出参会邀请函。
联 络 人:尹恒
“Cultural Exchanges and Translation Studies: History, Questions and Perspectives”
The Second International Forum on Modern Chinese Translation History
Call for Papers
Translation plays a crucial role in promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. To promote the study of translation history and provide an academic platform for researchers to exchange views and share experiences, the Institute of Translation History and Transcultural Studies at Hunan University of Science and Technology (HNUST) is organizing the Second International Forum on Modern Chinese Translation History. The forum, titled “Cultural Exchanges and Translation Studies: History, Questions and Perspectives,” will be held on December 1-3, 2023. World-renowned scholars in the field of translation studies will be invited to give keynote speeches to share and talk about their recent research findings. We cordially invite you to join us at the forum and be a part of this exciting exchange of ideas.
Main topics of the conference include but are not limited to:
(1) Translation in modern China and its contribution to global cultural exchange
(2) The translation of Chinese literature into other languages in modern China
(3) The impact of foreign literature translation on modern Chinese literature
(4) Science and technology translation and modernization in modern China
(5) Sinologists’ translation activities and their contribution to knowledge dissemination in modern China
(6) The history of translation in modern China
(7) Other relevant topics
Submission and Fee:
Interested scholars are invited to submit abstracts (no more than 500 words), along with the completed application forms (available in the attachment) to ithts@mail.hnust.edu.cn on or before 30 September, 2023. All abstracts will be anonymously reviewed by the academic committee, and notifications of acceptance will be sent out before 10 October, 2023 via emails.
The registration fee for the conference is RMB800 per participant. Full-time students are eligible for a 50 % fee reduction. If a student needs more financial assistance or exemption from the fee, they can contact the committee and explain the reason for their request. The committee will carefully review and consider all such requests. Participants should manage their own expenses on travel, accommodation, and meals. Assistance in hotel reservation will be provided upon request.
Organizer: Institute of Translation History and Transcultural Studies, Hunan University of Science and Technology (HNUST)
Research Center for Translation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Hunan Translation Workers Association for Science and Technology, Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST)
Dates: 1-3 December,2023
Venue: Huayin International Hotel, Xiangtan City, Hunan
Contact Mail: ithts@mail.hnust.edu.cn
Contact Person: Yin Heng
Contact Numbers: 0731-58294926, +86 18973110540
Institute of Translation History and Transcultural Studies, HNUST
Research Center for Translation, CUHK
Hunan Translation Workers Association for Science and Technology, CSUST
10 July, 2023
“Cultural Exchanges and Translation Studies: History, Questions and Perspectives”
The Second International Forum
on Modern Chinese Translation History
回 执
Conference Registration Form
姓名 Name |
性别 Gender |
工作单位 Institution |
职称/职务 Position |
通讯地址 Corresponding Address |
邮政编码 Postal Code |
电子信箱 Email Address |
联系电话 Tel no. |
是否安排 住宿 Housing arrangement |
( )否 No ( )是 Yes ( )单间 Single room ( )双人间 Double room |
论文题目 Title of the paper |
论文摘要 【中文,500字左右】 Abstract (Chinese, about 500 words) |
※Please send this conference registration form as an attachment to ithts@mail.hnust.edu.cn before 30 Sep, 2023.